Chandler PTA welcomes you to your new school and community!
We've put together some tips and resources for you, and we're working on planning some fun summer events to give you a chance to meet your new community! First, be sure to:
1. Complete this short google form to stay up-to-date on new summer event updates.
2. Subscribe to receive weekly e-blast updates once the school year begins with important calendar and other information for the week.
3. Like/Follow us on Facebook
4. Check out some of our planned events in the "Events" Section below.  We are working on more! 
5. Check out our "Hints/Tips" section below.  
6. Explore the school (https://www.chandlerla.org/) and PTA (http://www.chandlerla.my-pta.org/) websites!
7. Start exploring after-school child-care or enrichment options: 
     *       E3 Enrichment Kids: info@enrichmentkids.com or call 818-989-7509
     *       YMCA: Goharaslanyan@ymcala.org
   *   Enrichment classes will begin a couple weeks into the new school year. Enrichment          classes, unlike after-school child care, is only once a week for the length of a session.          There are 4 sessions a year, and classes vary during each session. The enrichment          schedule for 2019-2020 has not been finalized, but once it is, it will be listed here
8.  Email chandlerlapta@gmail.com with any other questions!! 

EVENTS - DATES FOR 2019-2020

 Adult-Only Coffee AND Dessert Q&A
Friday, August 9th at 7:00pm
Please join us for a very special adults-only evening. Enjoy desserts and coffee while you mingle with the other parents who are about to be a part of your community. School parents will be there to help answer questions and ease your way into your child's first year at Chandler. The address will be provided upon receipt of your RSVP, which you can email to chandlerlapta@gmail.com.
Chandler's Official TK / Kinder Play Date
August 7, 2019 from 10 am - noon on the Kindergarten Yard at Chandler
The whole family is welcome to join us for a fun afternoon of visiting your new school and meeting your new classmates!! There will be PTA representatives and parents to answer your questions and give tips, after-school program/enrichment representatives with fun activities and registration information, and Kona Ice's Shaved Ice Truck will be on site donating a portion of all sales in support of programming at Chandler.
TK/Kinder Orientation - 
August 20, 2019 in the main auditorium at 8 a.m.
At orientation, each family will receive a hard copy of the Kindergarten handbook, along with other information about Chandler's programs, policies, procedures, and standards for TK/Kindergarten. 
Students will then be introduced and assigned to their teacher/classroom. Parents and students will have a chance to visit the main yard area where students line up in the morning to discuss drop-off and pick-up procedures. Families will then get a chance to briefly visit the classroom and say a quick goodbye. Because the classroom visit is quick, I recommend saying your longer goodbye with lots of hugs during the yard visit before you go to the classroom. Preparing your child for this process can make it easier for them when you make your exit from the classroom. We estimate that the entire orientation will take between 30 minutes to an hour. Younger siblings may, of course, attend as well. Then afterwards, come join us for our tears & cheers coffee break!
Tears & Cheers Coffee Break
 August 20, 2019 after Kinder orientation 
Not sure what to do with yourself after orientation? Need to connect with other parents feeling the same excitement, nervousness, happiness, sadness before you head off to work? Just want to meet some parents from your child's class and exchange numbers? The first day of TK/Kinder can be an emotional and exciting experience for both students and parents. Come enjoy some coffee and refreshments in the auditorium while you shed some "tears" and shout a few "cheers" after you send your little one off! Members of PTA, ELAC, & SSC will be there to help answer questions and ease your way into your child's first year at Chandler. 
First Day of School
School starts Tuesday morning, August 20, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 1:23 p.m. New students, grades 1-5 will have their classroom assignments posted on the handball courts.  TK & Kindergarten students will have orientation with their parents in the main auditorium at 8:00 a.m., and will receive their classroom assignments during orientation.  Students will be picked up at 1:23 p.m. at their designated locations.
    *  TK/Kinder parents will be shown where to pick up at Orientation. If your child has E3 or YMCA, they will be picked up by the program.
   * First grade students will be released to parents in the Pavillion near their classroom number. If you child       has E3 or YMCA, they will be picked up by the program.
   *  Grades 2-5 are dismissed from their classroom and can be picked up anywhere in the yard.  Please       designate a spot to meet your child.  Students that attend E3, YMCA, YS, or YPD will need to go to their       designated program area to check-in. 
Students are encouraged to bring a labeled backpack, water bottle, and lunch (if not signed up for school lunch). 
 We hope to see you at one or all of the events and
we can't wait to meet and welcome you!


* Mondays are assembly day.  Parents are invited to stay for morning assembly at 8 a.m., but are encouraged to stand behind the classroom line so students can focus.
* Students will line up in the morning behind their classroom number.  Kindly say goodbye at the first bell.  Kinder parents, please stay behind the marked line to the kinder yard when students are walking to or from the classroom.
* Students will receive a homework folder provided by the teacher at the beginning of the year.  Please check your child's folder daily.  
* Supplies for home: Students will need pencils, crayons, glue stick, and scissors.